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Chapter 22- The Family Struggle

Paige's POV

Break is going by so fast! It's already Wednesday night, and I haven't told my parents that Jake will be picking me up to go to his house for the diner thing. We're sitting at the diner table now wating tator tot casserole with mashed potatoes, and chatting about going out with Robbie's family Friday. Yes, our parents are friends as well. Once the conversation dies, I let everyone take there time to eat. I set down my silverware, and takea drink of my apple juice. Now or never, Paige!

"So... I have plans.. tomorrow night." I begin. Everyone stops eating, and looks at me. I look down at my plate, I should have phrased that differently. "I can't get out of them, either." I add, making sure they know I have to go. I look up at my mom she would more likely understand.

"Like date plans?" My brother is first to ask, taking a sip from his glass of milk. I role my eyes, it's the fathers job to be all protective like that.

"No, it's not a date." I clearify, and the tension in the room disipates. "But it's is with the Lincoln family." Patrick coughs up his milk, and spits it back into his cup. My father loudly set his silverware down again. Apparently they know exactly who I am talking about.

"Hun wh-" My mother begins, thinking I must be going for sex.

"It's not anything like that! I'm tutoring Jake for service hours, and his parents invited me over to thank me." I say in a rush. The room is quiet again, and they all think about it.  "I didn't want to seem rude and turn down an offer from Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln." I add.

"Fine." My dad says. "But if he tries anyth-"

"Are you kidding? He is a Lincoln! It's bound to happen." Patrick laughs, and I role my eyes. Even though yes it semi has happened already.  "She can't go." He adds, and I sit up.

"I already promised him I would be there." I sigh, leaning back. Pushing my hair over my shoulder and crossing my arms. I hate argueing with Patrick, besides it's not his descision anyways!

"You see, she is already getting pulled in!" He gesture at me. I look at mom again, I need to go to this diner. Jake will kill me if I don't go.  "Has he already gotten to you? I thought you were stronger then that." Patrick says, and I toss a bun at him.

"I'm not some slut!" I yell, standing "The Lincoln's do give out a scholarship, that would be nice to have, and I'm also getting service hours you ass hole!"

"Enough." My dad says, I sit back down pulling my chair back up to the table.  "You can go to this diner, but you need to be home by ten. If you have any problems you call. Don't fall for pressure..." He leaps into a sex talk. I look at my plate picking at my food not listening to the sex talk for the thousanth time.

The rest of diner went by fast, and quietly. I finished first and cleared my plate going to my room. I hate that we're fighting on break, but it's Patrick's fault. He should've just kept his mouth closed. I guess Jake's older brother Jace or  what ever was also in his class, and he had a reputation. What ever. I'm going, Dad said I could. Just what to wear now is my problem.  going through my closet I pick out three outfits, and I decide I'll sleep on it. I go the bathroom showering and going through all the hygiene stuff, then I join my mom in the living room watching Daddy's Little Girls. I turn the brightness on my phone down, and the volume as well. I'm playing games, because I've already watched this movie. It's good, very good actually, but I've watched it multiple times with Robbie so I know the whole story line already.

In the middle of a run on Fruit Ninja a message blinks across the screen. I ignore it, and continue my chopping, my high score is like five hundred and thirty-eight, which is a lot for me. I used to only be able to get like two hundred some, but I'm getting better. I die and four hundred and fifty-nine, and I close out of the game and check the message. It's Robbie.

Robbie:  we hangin fri :) 9:21 P.M

Paige: Yes we are 9:26 P.M

Robbie: hows break goin? mine boring :/ 9:27 P.M

Paige: good family just got into a fight so we are kinda giving each other space 9:29 P.M

Robbie: bout? P.M

Paige: I have plans tomorow Pat doesn't want me goin. 9:30 P.M 

Robbie: Date? 9:30 P.M

Paige: No. End of convo. G2g 9:31 P.M

I set my phone down, watching the movie. It's about half way through now. Later my dad bring out bowls of icecream to the two of us, and he sits next to my mom and the cuddle. I smile, it's cute yet weird seeing them like that. I'm happy they're happy but, yeah it's weird. I dig out the the banana slices first, and make sure there is sprinkels on them too. My ada makes weird banana split things that are delicious. I'm afraid I've gained like ten pounds because I've one everynight this week 

My phone screen lights up and I don't answer it, it's probably just Robbie apoligizing for being nosey again. I also don't know what to say. I mean I told my family it wasn't a date. So that's what I would tell him too, but he would never be okay with it being Jake.  I don't need his aproval though. I grab, deciding to just tell him. I look at the screen confused seeing it is Jake's contact that comes up. Unlocking my phone I read his message.

Jake: 2morrow @ 5? 9:57 P.M


Paige: Great. Parents said i hav to be back by 10. 10:12 P.M


Jake: No problem. C U then 10:14 P.M

I set my phone down, and my stomach grows butterflies. It's happening. I'm meeting Jake's family. I've already met Jayla, and I hope is whole family isn't like that! I turn in a little while after that, wanting a good nights sleep. I turn on the tv in my room and fall asleep to Law and Order SVU.
